MAKE SUICIDE çddf,faa,afa,aaf,faf,ffa,aff ¾ HOW TO MAKE A COOL SUICIDE... ½ by Cromax of Alchemy ¹Hi there folks! I've got something interesting for Ya! Are You boring? Don't You know, what could You do? Don't You? Just make a suicide! I have some cool tips and tricks, which explaine You how to arrange interesting suicide: ²1. Buy short piece of rope and tie it to the heater under Yer window. Now take a penknife and hide him in Your pocket. Next open the window and tie rope to Yer legs. And now just jump through the window, screaming "Hey people! Why are you looking at me?" or "I'll never go to the school!" or something else. When You will be hanging on rope, pluck out penknife and simply cut the rope. ³2. Next one method is a bit expensive, but also very exiting. All what You need is a grenade and thread (wow, it's rhyming!). Now tie the thread to the split pin and swallow the grenade (thread should be hangin' out of Your mouth). Now find somebody (even better if You like this person not too much), and explain him, that You want to extract Yours teeth. Give him end of thread and ask him to pull it. ¢3. Some people kill himselves by turning on the gas. But my method is more exiting. Turn the gas on, and ¶¢wait, till You feel strange odor (You have to close all windows first). If something is wrong with Your head, then put the gas-mask on. Wait another few minuts and call fire-departament. If You have strong nerves, You can wait till somebody ring at the door, what causes an explosion, but when You won't wait, then use lighter. It's fast, it's cool, it's noisly. ¼4. Go to nearst railway-station and wait for any train. When it will be comming closer, jump on track. Effect's guaranted. ½5. Last one way is coolest I know. Tie two thread to split pins of grenades and second ends keep free. Buy (or borrow) an anvil and tie it to the rope. Place now electric chair in the middle of the room, and hang over it anvil. To the end of anvil's rope tie grenades' threads and handle this in one hand (first hide grenades in the pockets or sit on them). With second hand catch the electric chair handle. Now relase throads and fast pull the handle. That's all.